posting of wokers
You are a company not established in France and you wish to send one or more of your employees to perform a service in France
You are concerned by the system of transfer of employees in France
Companies established outside France may temporarily transfer their employees to France.
To do so, they must comply with several mandatory conditions and formalities.
They must apply to posted employees the provisions of French labor law in a number of areas
To be able to detach employees in France you must:
First of all: To be regularly established in the State of origin and to actually carry out substantial activities there other than those relating solely to internal and/or administrative management.
And respect one of the four cases of use of the posting regime :
The execution of a service contract
Intra-company or intra-group mobility (transnational non-profit labor lending)
The execution of a posting contract between a foreign temporary employment company (ETT) and a user company in France
Since 7 September 2018, the date of entry into force of Act No. 2018-771 of 5 September 2018 on the freedom to choose one's professional future, the secondment of employees on the employer's own account is now exempt from reporting formalities
To post employees to France, the company must complete several formalities:
The prior declaration of the secondment of employees in France
The appointment of a representative
Membership in a paid and "bad weather" holiday fund for the construction and entertainment sectors
The employer must also have at his disposal documents relating to his seconded employees and his activity, in the event of an inspection by the Labor Inspectorate
Temporary employment agencies have their own obligations, including financial security.
Penalties: failure to appoint a representative is punishable by a fine of up to €4,000 per seconded employee (€8,000 in the event of repetition within one year). The total amount of the fine may not exceed €500,000.
Penalties: failure to comply with the obligation to declare is punishable by a fine of up to €2,000 per seconded employee (€4,000 in the event of repetition within one year) up to a total limit of €500,000.
The reference texts
La déclaration préalable de détachement de salariés en France : art. L. 1262-2-1, L. 1262-2-2, L. 1264-1, L. 1264-3, L. 1262-4-1 et R. 1263-3 à R. 1263-9
La désignation d’un représentant : art. L. 1262-2-1, L. 1264-1, L. 1264-3, L. 1262-4-1 et R. 1263-2-1 d
L’adhésion à une caisse de congés payés et « intempéries » - secteur du BTP : art : L. 3141-32, D. 3141-12 à D. 3141-37 - spectacles : art. D. 7121-28 à D. 7121-49
Documents en cas de contrôle de l’Inspection du travail française : art. L. 1251-16, L. 1251-43, L1263-3, L. 1263-4, L. 8114-1, L. 1263-7, R. 1263-1, R. 1263-2, R. 1263-8, R. 1264-3, R. 8115-5
Respect de l’application du droit du travail : art. L. 8114-1, L. 8113-4 et 5, L. 8271-3 et L. 8271-6-2
Règles générales sur le contrôle de l’inspection du travail : art. L. 8112-1 à L. 8114-2 et R. 8112-1 à R.8114-1
La garantie financière : art. L. 1251-49 et R. 1262-17
Les salariés intérimaires détachés en France : art. L. 1251-18, L. 1251-32, 1251-33, L. 1251-5 à 8, L. 1251-9 et 10, L.1251-11 à 15, L. 1262-2, L. 1262-4 4°, R.1262-16
Spécificités du détachement intragroupe : art. L.2281-1 et suivants, L2313-4, L2313-5 et R.1262-3
Spécificités du détachement pour compte propre ou pour le compte d’un particulier : art. R. 1262-12 et R. 1262-14
Our responsibility is to help you through this maze of laws and regulations. By informing you, carrying out most of the necessary regulatory actions for you and representing you during inspections with the authorities.