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Contractors and owners,

your obligations in France in case of

a transfer of salaried employees

to your sites

The prime contractor (this notion includes companies using temporary workers) and project owners (DO/MO) using (by direct or indirect contract) the services of companies transferred employees in France, are bound by certain obligations and responsibilities.

  • Further the drafting of a report of transfer and the appointment of a representative

  • Further to the accommodation conditions of the transferred employees

  • Further to the respect of the Labor Law

  • Further to the dispositions occurred with a work accident

  • Further to the single register for the employees

  • Further to the social balance sheet

  • Respect of the health services

Penalties: the amount of the administrative fine provided for in case of a failure to comply with the verification or subsidiary declaration obligations will be for €2,000 per employee (€4,000 in the event of repetition within one year) up to a maximum of €500,000.

The reference texts

  • Établissement d’une déclaration de détachement et de la désignation d’un représentant : art. L. 1262-4-1 et R. 1263-12

  • Conditions d’hébergement des salariés détachés : art. L. 1263-3, L. 1263-4, L. 4231-1, R. 4231-1 à R. 4231-4

  • Paiement du respect de la rémunération minimale : art. L.1263-3, L. 1263-4, L. 1262-4-3 et R. 1263-15 à R. 1263-19

  • Respect du droit du travail : art. L. 1263-3, L. 1263-4, L. 8281-1, R. 8281-1 à R. 8282-2

  • Accident du travail : art. L. 1262-4-4 et R.1262-2

  • Registre unique du personnel : art. L. 1221-15-1, D. 1221-24, D. 1221-24-1

  • Bilan social : art. L. 2323-70, L. 2328-2 et R. 2323-17 CT.

  • Service de santé : art. R. 1262-11 et R. 1262-15

Our turnkey offer

Posting of workers  is offering you a turnkey service for the management and control of your foreign subcontractors. By taking charge of all administrative actions,

regulatory control of transferred employees.


Focus on your projects and not on administration

Our role is to help you thru this mass of texts, laws and regulations.

By carrying out for you, all the necessary regulatory controls and verification actions with your subcontractors.

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D.O. Pack ( ordering party )

  • Document control

  • Advice to DOs and subcontractors

  • Storage of documents

  • Document management and monitoring platform

  • Management of foreign subcontractors

  • Non-conformity alerts

  • Monitoring of controls

  • Management of responses to controls.

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